AGM Postech - Vistech has ended

Monday February 10, 2025 3:30pm - 4:30pm EST
The Screwbies session is designed to kickoff our new dealers!

Led by focus group participants and seasoned veterans, this session equips new dealers with essential insights, insider tips, and the key ingredients of our network.

It's an ideal opportunity for new dealers to connect with experienced members who'll show them the ropes.

This session will prepare Screwbies to engage, follow along, and make the most of their AGM experience.

A member of the HQ team will be in touch to emphasize the importance of your participation.

This year's session promises to be more relaxed and interactive, offering a unique experience compared to previous years.
avatar for Marc Gagnier

Marc Gagnier

Marketing Director | Directeur Marketing, Postech/Vistech
Monday February 10, 2025 3:30pm - 4:30pm EST
Bromont A-B-C
Feedback form is now closed.

Attendees (4)

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